Today getting a personal loan is easy. There are various lenders vying with each other to offer the personal loans. To make their loans attractive, the lenders offer attractive offers like low cost loans, low fee loans, etc. Applying for the loan is also easy. With the advent of internet the personal loan is just a click away. You can apply for the loan online itself. Turn around time for the loan is as less as 24 hours and you can have money in you account within 24 hours of applying. The requirements to qualify for the loan are minimal. Therefore, these loans are also called easy personal loans.
Are Easy personal loans Actually Easy?
- Any information you require about personal loans is available on the net. You can compare the offers of various lenders and select the loan that is available to you at the least cost. The loan can be applied online itself. You just have to fill the application form. There is no requirement of sending any credentials. The lender just does a cursory verification of the information provided in application form before disbursing the loan.
- The criteria for qualifying for the loans are simple. Any US citizen, who is 18 years of age, has a regular employment, earns at least $1000 a month and has a regular checking account, qualifies for receiving the loan. No credit check is involved. Therefore, people with adverse credit history also qualify for the personal loan.
- Once applied, the verification of the application and disbursal of the loan takes less than 24 hours. The money is directly credited into the borrowers account. personal loans are therefore, the fastest form of credit available compared to other loans. They are also called, fast money personal loans.
- Repayment is easy. The borrower can either give a post-dated cheque or opt for automatic debit for his account on the payday. If the borrower is not able to replay the loan on time, he can always roll over the loan for another period.
- personal loans are instant sources of cash when you are in a financial crunch. No other loans are easily available. Unsecured loans are not easy to obtain. Further, there is a lot of documentation and verification involved that delays the money. But personal loans are unsecured loans available to anyone who has a regular employment and a checking bank account. Consequently, they are referred to as emergency personal loans.
The entire process of applying, verifying, disbursing and repaying the loan is so simplified that that personal loans are rightly called easy personal loans. But it calls for a word of caution here. Since these loans are easily available, there is a risk that people will borrow indiscriminately for meeting their frivolous needs. This will be problematic for them in the long run.
Fast personal loan – Is It A Bane?
Various advantages of applying for fast personal loans are mentioned above. Though, the personal loans appear to be most lucrative option to meet urgent cash requirements, a word of caution is necessary. By availing loans till payday the borrowers generally choose convenience over cost. This is because personal loans charge more interest than any other type of loan. This is because the personal loans are short-term unsecured loans. Further, if the loans are rolled over for another term then additional fee is charged over and above the interest. Here the borrowers must note that the personal loan lending company thrive on these high interest rates and rolling over fee. Further easy availability of loans will tempt people to spend more. They will then get caught in the debt trap if they are not self disciplined.
In spite of all these disadvantages it cannot be denied that fast personal loan is the most ideal form of loan to meet emergency cash requirements. That is because from no where can a borrower get money so quickly to meet his urgent needs.